St Mary’s (East Knoyle)
The Parish Church of St Mary the Virgin, a Grade 1 listed building, has been at the heart of parish life for over a thousand years. The oldest part of the structure is the chancel, on the outside north wall of which there is pre-Norman ‘blind arcading’. The nave dates from the 13th century and the tower from about 1450. The six bells are rung as regularly as possible.

The plasterwork in the chancel is unique; it was designed by Dr Wren, a 17th century rector, whose famous son, Christopher, was born in the village.
Supporting St Mary’s
St Mary’s PCC relies upon the generosity of many supporters to maintain the fabric of the church. If you feel able to support us, either by regular contributions or a one-off gift, please follow this link to the PGS webpage. Thank you.
Service Pattern
The service pattern for St Mary’s is slightly more complicated than for the rest of the Benefice as its 4th Sunday service varies – please check the calendar if you are unsure.
- 1st Sunday of the month – 9:45am, Pilgrim Service
- 2nd Sunday of the month – 11am, Sung Eucharist
- 3rd Sunday of the month – 11am, Matins
- 4th Friday of the month – 10am, Friday Eucharist
- 4th Sunday of the month – 8:30am, BCP Holy Communion or 6pm, Evensong
As ever, make sure to check the calendar in case this pattern has been superseded by a special event.
Regular Community Events
- 2nd Thursday of the month – 3pm, Tea@3 in the Village Hall
- 4th Tuesday of the month – 10:30-12noon, Community Coffee Morning in the church
Finding us
St Mary’s Church
East Knoyle