St Catherine’s (Sedgehill)
Sedgehill is the smallest of the Benefice parishes, and as a village, very spread out. First-time visitors often get lost, but we try to make up for this by organizing lots of events that bring us – and anyone else who wants to join in – together. Dedicated to St Catherine in 1395, St. Catherine’s is an understated, beautiful church with wonderful views to the north. It really does seem as if the peace of the Lord is with us when we congregate there.

Service Pattern
Although a separate parish, Sedgehill’s close links with East Knoyle (the only two churches in the Benefice that are West of the A350) mean that there is a de facto shared service pattern between the two.
- 1st Sunday of the month – 9:30am, Sung Eucharist
- 3rd Sunday of the month – 6pm, Evensong
- 5th Friday of the month – 10am, Friday Eucharist
As ever, though, make sure to check the calendar in case this pattern has been superseded by a special event.
Finding us
St Catherine’s Church