St Andrew’s Church, Donhead St Andrew (SACDA)


As the project for the extensive redevelopment of the church of St Andrew and its churchyard, SACDA’s mission statement was:

To make St.Andrew’s Church a major centre of village life for all villagers, as a place of worship, and the place where the community can gather for a wide variety of village activities in a building which is inspiring, welcoming, accessible and well-resourced

Completed in 2019 with this as its guiding principles, St Andrew’s is both an active church in the wider Benefice’s pattern of services, and a community space for everything from coffee mornings and pilates, to being an art and musical venue.

To book St Andrew’s for your community event, please contact the Rector, Revd Kate McFarlane, either on 01747 830174 or by email.


After the completion of the Development Project in 2019, a new History of St Andrew’s Church was written in 2022. It includes extensive research by the author and text on the discoveries made during the building work on the church from 2017 to 2019. It describes St Andrew’s growth and development from medieval times to the present day. Many full colour photographs are included, showing not only the results of the latest developments, but also the artefacts and items of interest discovered during the renovations and conservation. The book is on display near the south door; copies can be purchased for £3 each by cash or credit card.


St Andrew’s Churchyard has been closed for burials for many years; only the Interment of Ashes continues. In 2019, following the completion of the building project, a plan was developed to clear the churchyard of the tangled and impassable mass of brambles and nettles and to turn the churchyard into an inviting place to wander and sit. It is now a place to be enjoyed with areas of grass, wild flower meadows, cut paths and benches for contemplation. On a table on the south-west wall of the church, there is a folder which describes the flowers and other plants in the churchyard.


There is information on some of the villagers buried in the churchyard in the `History of the Church.In addition, there is a folder in the Library cupboard which lists the known burials in the churchyard from about 1700 until the churchyard closed for burials.


The church’s library has grown considerably through the generous contributions from the book collections of two priests, the Venerable John Holliman and the Reverend Michael Hobbs. We now have a fine collection of books on Christianity, comparative religion, the Holy Land, philosophy, spirituality, prayer and meditation, local history, and books for children.


As part of the Development Project, the Parochial Church Council selected a chair in oak to be used in the Church and Parish Room. So far, 69 chairs have been sponsored; a further 51 chairs remain to be sponsored. This can be done to mark a Baptism, a Wedding a Wedding Anniversary or in memory of a member of your family or a friend. Each chair has an inscribed plaque on it. If you would like to sponsor a chair, please contact Juliet Cooper (DSA’s churchwarden) by email.

As SACDA, the PCC for St Andrew’s church serves as trustees for registered charity 1150714 in England and Wales.