St Andrew’s (Donhead St Andrew)

Donhead St Andrew is a parish of steep hills, streams, woodland, pasture and high chalk downs with sudden wonderful views. There is no real village centre so the foci for the community are the church and the pub. The houses and farms are scattered along the winding lanes with cottages, some enlarged and modernised, and residences dating from the middle ages to the present.

The Parish Church, dedicated to St Andrew, is situated in the valley beside the river Nadder. There has been a church on this site serving as a centre for Christian worship for at least a thousand years. It is believed that the first church may have been built soon after the founding of Shaftesbury Abbey in about 875. The tall narrow arch leading from the chancel to the vestry is Saxon work from about the 9th or 10th century. The present church is 13th century though much altered in the 19th century and is built of the local green sandstone.

To book St Andrew’s for your community event, please contact the Rector, Revd Kate McFarlane, either on 01747 830174 or by email.

Service Pattern

  • 1st Sunday of the month – 8:30am, BCP Holy Communion
  • 2nd Sunday of the month – 11am, Matins
  • 3rd Friday of the month – 10am, Friday BCP Communion
  • 3rd Sunday of the month – 11am, Sung Eucharist
  • 4th Sunday of the month – 9:30am, Family Service

As ever, though, make sure to check the calendar in case this pattern has been superseded by a special event.

Regular Community Events

  • 1st Tuesday of the month – 10:30-12noon, Community Coffee Morning

Finding us

St Andrew’s Church

Donhead St Andrew




St Andrew’s church saw extensive building and decorative work in an almost decade-long process that began in earnest in 2013. Part of the desired outcome was to recentre the church building as a “space for the whole community”, especially as Donhead St Andrew has no village hall, and many community events take place there. For more information on this process and the uses to which the church building has been put, please click on the logo below:

As a continuation of the work of SADA, the PCC for St Andrew’s church also serves as trustees for registered charity 1150714 in England and Wales.